Monday, September 27, 2010

What If A Woman Doesn't Call Back

   One of the things I've talked about before is
how once a person believes something to be "true"
or believes that they understand how something
works, that they tend to make other information or
new things that they learn, fit that older model,
rather than being open to change.
   For instance, people who become part of a cult
will tend to take the advice from others, evidence
that they're not doing the right thing etc. to
help convince them that they ARE doing the right
   The reason that I bring this up is because it
sounds to me like you're looking for an answer to
how to solve a problem that you should actually
try to PREVENT in the first place.
   I'm going to talk about how to prevent this
problem first, then tell you a few things you can
do when you run into it again in the future as
   Here are two things to keep in mind:
1) Women give out their numbers to guys A LOT (on
average). A woman can have all kinds of reasons
for giving out her number. She might like the
attention, or it might even be just to get rid of
a guy.
2) Women expect men to call THEM. And if a man
doesn't reach them when he calls, a woman expects
the man to TRY AGAIN. (In the book "The Rules" -
the book for women about how to get a man to marry
you - the authors tell women not to call men and
rarely return a man's call, because it makes him
think about you and want you more).
   If I were you, I'd start thinking about two
1) Figure out how to make it so that women WANT to
give you their REAL number and make them WANT to
call you back based on the first meeting.
2) If you got a number instead of email, call her
at least 3 or 4 times before you give up.
   To figure out how to make women WANT to call
you back, you might have to work on improving your
humor, your personality, your appearance, or
whatever. In short, you need to learn how to make
a woman feel ATTRACTION for you when you first
meet her. If you don't, she's not likely to call
you back.
   Don't go too overboard on this one because a
lot of this issue is just the fact that women
don't return calls as often as men do... but think
it through.

   There are probably a few things you're doing
that make women feel a little strange at first
(this is just a guess, as most guys have things
they could improve).
   Maybe you're acting a little too nervous.
   Maybe you're acting too "nice" or like you're
"awed" by women.
   Maybe you're not making eye contact directly,
and you're giving off a "not-very-confident" vibe.
   Think about it.
   But the best thing you can do is to just call a
woman on the phone 3 or 4 times before you give
up! (That is, when a woman gives you her REAL
   Women expect men to keep trying, so they just
don't call back.
   Remember, SHE'S THE WOMAN. She's the one who's
getting approached by interested guys, and who
probably sees you as "just another guy" calling
   You must be persistent, keep it cool and low-
key, and keep calling until you reach her.
   If a woman gives you a fake number, it just
means that she wanted to get rid of you...
   You need to think about how the interaction
went, and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for the behavior and
communication that made her want to give you a
fake number.
   Again, think about it and make improvements.
   And to answer your question directly of "What
do I do if I see her again afterwards", I'd say
that it all depends.
   If you would consider going out with a woman
who has the ethical standard of giving out fake
numbers, then I'd say you might want to reconsider
your choice of women...
   And if you would like to talk to a woman who
didn't call you back (maybe you left her a
message, etc.), then I'd come up with something
funny. Cocky & Funny, that is.
   Walk over and make fun of her because it's
obvious that she didn't have enough money to pay
her phone bill and when she tried to call you back
she found that her phone was disconnected but that
it's nothing to be ashamed of and you'll take pity
on her and buy her some ramen noodle soup while
she's broke and hungry.
   Just make sure you're lighthearted about it,
and you communicate that you could really care
less that she didn't call you back... but that
you're going to take the opportunity to bust on
her because she's in your presence.

   Your body language says SOOOOO MUCH about you,
and women use body language to decide many, many
things about you.
   If your body language and communications aren't
working together to create ATTRACTION, then you're
going to get a lot more fake numbers and a lot
fewer calls back from women.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Traits Of A "Cool Guy"

Traits Of A "Cool Guy"
>NOTE: Guys who are "cool" always seem
to have ladies in their lives. Why? Because
they do certain things DIFFERENTLY than
your average.

Here's Are 4 Traits Of A "Cool Guy"...
   I get a lot of questions from guys asking all
kinds of questions about how to behave around
   In fact, this might be one of the areas that
guys want to know the most about.
   I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past
year or so about the concept of being "cool".
   In other words, I've been watching people
(myself included) to see if I could figure out why
some people are considered "cool" while some are
considered "not-so-cool"... and more importantly,
how to use this idea to have more success with
   So what is a "cool guy"?
   And what is it about a guy who's "cool" that
makes women feel more attracted to him than an
"uncool" guy?
   Let me tell you a few quick mini-stories about
guys I've known who were UN-cool.
   One friend I used to have LOVED to argue with
people. He would start arguments about anything
and always take the opposite perspective on every
topic. He did this with women all the time too. I
think he felt like he was coming across as smart
when he argued. Guess what? Women hated it, and
ran as soon as he started in. His guy friends
hated it too. He was UN-cool because his
insecurity was so strong, that he had to argue to
get attention.
   Another friend I have always tries to do nice
things and favors for women he likes. As soon as
he meets a woman he likes, he tries to find
something he can do for her. Of course, he then
gets upset when the woman doesn't return the
feelings of affection... and he acts upset and
"taken advantage of". This, of course, makes women
run away. As you can probably guess, he's trying
to manipulate women with favors. And women resent
him for it. Women don't think he's cool, and they
avoid him.
   I know one guy who loves to tell women how
beautiful they are, buys them drinks and dinners,
and pursues them with the "You're the greatest
thing in the world and I'm going to chase you
around and try to buy your attention". And even
though he's doing a lot of "nice" things for the
women he's interested in, he can't keep one around
for more than a date or two. Even his guy friends
think that he needs to calm down and act more
"cool" in general.
   Now, all three of the guys I've mentioned above
have different problems... but the way I see it,
they're all strangely related.
   Here are a few more quick stories about guys I
know who are "cool".
   One guy I know always has girls around him. In
fact, I don't think I've ever seen him WITHOUT at
least one girl with him. Usually he has three or
four girls with him... and sometimes up to 10 or
12. He always makes fun of the girls, teases them,
and treats them like good friends who he's
comfortable enough to bust on. He's not rich, he
doesn't buy things for women, and he doesn't kiss
up to them. He DOES, on the other hand, make it
his business to know where the "cool" places are
in town, where to go out, and who to call for the
"inside track" on where the hot spots are. Then he
shows up at the door to these hot spots with five
women. EVERYONE who knows him thinks of him as a
"cool" guy.
   I have another friend that is really amazing
with women. But he does something that's rather
unusual when he's around women. He kind of IGNORES
them when he first meets them. If he's out with
friends, and one of them introduces a female
friend to him, he'll shake her hand and say "hi",
then TURN AWAY and go back to whatever he was
doing. Somehow, the women that are around him
always want to talk to HIM. And all the guys he
knows think of him as one of the coolest guys
   Finally, I have one friend who literally says
things to women like, "You probably wouldn't like
me. I don't really have relationships with women.
Our relationship will probably go no further than
the physical..." He's so
calm and laid back around women that they have to
pursue HIM... and it happens a lot. He's
blunt, direct, and honest about whatever is on his
mind. He doesn't chase women, buy them things, or
smother them with compliments... and yet, they
love him. And he has a crew of guy friends who all
love him and think he's one of the "coolest" guys
in the world.

   So what is it that separates the "cool" guys
from the "uncool" guys?
   What is "cool"?
   What is it that makes a few rare people the
kind of people that EVERYONE wants to be around?
   What is it about UN-cool guys that repels other
people, and makes women run away?
   And what is it about this element that I'm
calling "cool" that makes guys who have it attract
more women than they can handle?
   I personally think that being "cool" comes down
1) Being independent
2) Being indifferent
3) Being funny
4) Being socially adjusted
   Before I get into each of these in detail, I
want to mention something...
   Usually, I tend to stick to techniques to help
you meet more women, or give you advice to get
past limiting beliefs, etc.
   I've realized recently that there are a few
BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL things that we, as guys, need
to really "get" about interacting with other
people before we start trying to learn advanced
stuff, like how to approach and meet women. If you
don't have some of the basic things handled, all
the fancy techniques in the world won't fix your
   So stick with me here, this is important.
   OK, so let's talk about the four components
that I mentioned above.
   Independent is the OPPOSITE of "dependent".
   When you act "dependent", you lean on others,
you look to them for approval, you ask what they
think before you make a decision, you tend to want
to stay physically close to them, and your
feelings tend to depend on what others feel and
think of you.
   When you act INDEPENDENT, you lean back, you do
things because YOU decided you wanted to, you
don't ask others what they think - instead you
decide yourself, you are fine walking away from
your friends for awhile when you're out, and your
feelings are controlled by what YOU think, not
what others think.
   A "dependent" person will go into a bar with
friends, stick close to them all night, ask what
everyone else is drinking before they order, get
upset easily about things that others say, and
constantly be looking for attention and approval
in some way.
   An INDEPENDENT person, on the other hand, will
go into a bar with friends and be more likely
to... walk away and look around the place ALONE to
see who's there - and feel fine about leaving
their friends for awhile and striking up a
conversation with a stranger... They'll order a
drink if they want, or water if they want - and
not care what everyone else is drinking... They'll
be cool and calm no matter what happens - even if
others are getting upset around them... And, most
importantly, they aren't looking to others for
attention and approval. They're doing their own
thing, and enjoying whatever happens.
   Most people in this world are ATTACHED to the
outcomes of things. They're constantly worrying
about what's going to happen... and talking about
the future in a fearful, uncertain way.
   This type of person always wants to know what
other people think of them, and they're worrying
about what they should do so other people will
like them. Unfortunately, this almost ALWAYS comes
across as INSECURITY.
   An INDIFFERENT person, on the other hand, just
goes about life and takes things as they come.
   The indifferent person is INDIFFERENT to the
outcome of whatever situation they're in.
   If it's a man, and he's approaching a woman, he
will be OK with whatever happens. If she's nice to
him, great. If she's uptight, no problem. If she's
rich, famous, and beautiful... and starts coming
on to him, fine. No big deal.
   When you are ATTACHED to the outcome of a
situation, it makes you act all kinds of freaky.
You pause, act nervous, hold back, look for
approval, act insecure... and any of 100 other
unattractive things.
   On the other hand, when you're INDIFFERENT to
the outcome, it makes you MAGNETIC. Especially
when it comes to women and dating. Indifference is
the ultimate way to show a LACK of insecurity in
   Humor is magic.
   It's a complete mystery why we find things
"funny" and why we "laugh".
   Crying because someone died makes some logical
sense. It's a bad thing, and crying expresses a
negative emotion.
   But when you see a dog run into a window
because he doesn't see it... and he gets a
confused look on his face, you LAUGH. What's with
   Humor is interesting to me, in that if you're
funny, it makes people FEEL GOOD inside. They
laugh, and it triggers positive feelings.
   If you're not naturally funny, it's a great
skill to learn. Read books. Watch live comedy. Do
whatever it takes to learn how to be funny.
   Most of the "coolest" guys I know are wickedly
funny. Some of them are only funny on occasion...
but they "get it"... and when they do make a joke,
it's DAMN funny.
   I know that this sounds funny, but most of the
people I know who are "UN-cool" are not very
adjusted socially.
   They lack a certain something in the "social
skills" department that makes it OBVIOUS to others
(and especially to women) that they don't know how
to relate very well to other people. They just
never learned how to make others feel comfortable
around them.
   If you've ever known an accountant or computer
programmer that was brilliantly smart, but totally
boring, you know what I mean.
   If people act kind of nervous, strange, and
uncomfortable when they're around you, then you
also know where I'm coming from on this.
   I can't teach you how to make people feel
comfortable around you in two sentences, but if
you need to learn how to mix with people socially,
then start PAYING ATTENTION to what's going on
around you.
   Watch how others dress, carry themselves, walk,
and talk. Pay attention to little details... like
saying, "What's up?" when you meet someone new,
instead of "Hello, pleased to meet you" and such., is this all there is to being "cool"?
   Of course not.
   But it's a great start.
   If you can first get yourself to the place
where other people want to be around you just
because they enjoy your company, you'll find that
taking things to the next level with women will be
about 10 times easier.
   I've had this conversation with MANY of the
guys I know who are successful with women, and
they all basically say the same thing... you have
to learn how to be "cool" and make others (women)
feel comfortable just being in the same room with
you. And if you're "cool", this happens almost
instantly. If you're not "cool", then you're going
to have a hard time making ANYONE feel comfortable
with you... never mind having a woman feel
   The LAST thing someone "cool" needs in their
life is an "UN-cool" person making a jackass of
themselves in front of all of their friends.
   When you learn the art of being "cool", you
start to attract other cool people. And those
people will see that you're not insecure,
emotionally unstable, clingy, and such. They'll
see that you know how to handle yourself with
other people (and with women), and they'll start
introducing you to other cool people (including
women) instead of running away from you.
   I know that this newsletter is going to ignite
a whole series of letters to me about how learning
these concepts has done exactly what I'm talking
about for various guys (and I want to hear about
it, by the way, so make sure you write in).
   So, want more great ideas on how to be "cool",
and how to meet and date more women?
   I thought so...
   It took me a long time to figure out how to be
"cool" around women... and how to make women feel
that powerful physical and emotional response
called ATTRACTION...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

What Annoys Women And What Attracts Them

   If you listen to women talk about men, you'll
often hear them use the word "ANNOYING" to
describe certain men and certain things that some
men DO.
   Now, as you can probably guess, it's not
usually a good thing when a woman uses this
particular word to describe a guy...
   And, as you can ALSO probably guess, when a
woman uses this particular word, it's not usually
about guys who she is ATTRACTED to (although this
isn't always true).
   Now, it's taken me a few years of paying
attention to really get a handle on what women are
talking about when they say, "He's annoying" or
"It's so annoying when he does that".
   And guess what I realized was at the ROOT of
women finding a guy or his behavior annoying?
   Here are some of the things that many women
consider to be "annoying":
- Calling her too often
- Telling her that you have "feelings" for her too
- Giving away your power to her and making her the
- Always asking a woman what she wants instead of
- Acting submissive and weak
- Accepting her demands, bossy-ness, and
manipulative requests
- Being her doormat and putting your own needs
   "WHAT?" you say.
   "HOW COULD THIS BE?"... you might be thinking.
   How is it possible that demonstrating your
affection for a woman by calling her, telling her
how you feel, letting her make the decisions, and
putting her first could be considered ANNOYING, of
all things?
   Well guess what?
   IT IS.
   Women, and ESPECIALLY the most ATTRACTIVE and
desirable women, usually consider the above things
to be VERY annoying.
   Of course, the reason for this is because no
matter how good these kinds of behaviors seem on
the surface, there's only one conclusion that can
be drawn from them:
   Now, do I really, really, REALLY mean that
women are NEVER, EVER attracted to Wussies?
   I mean, isn't that an over- generalization?
   Nothing is always true, right?
   Well, this one IS.
   Actually, what I MEAN is...
   As far as generalizations go, this particular
one is as close to being true all the time as they
   And just in case I haven't said this enough,
let me say it one more time... just to make sure
it's clear:
   So now you understand why all of the "nice"
things that you've done for women seem to always
result in the woman pulling away.
   It's because she finds your nice-guy "Wuss"
behaviors to be ANNOYING.
   To further confuse things, you'll often hear a
woman say something to the effect of...
   "I want a STRONG guy who is also SENSITIVE..."
   "He needs to have his own life, his own
interests, and his own friends, but also be
totally focused on me..."
   I see things like this in women's personal ads
all the time. I'm sure you've seen things like
this yourself.
   Women often talk about wanting a combination of
things in a man that just don't seem to fit...
   So what's going on here?
   Are women crazy? (Yes.)
   But seriously, what are they talking about?
   How is it that women seem to always talk about
wanting men who have these qualities that don't
fit together?
   I know that I personally used to hear this
stuff and then say to myself "OK, well I've got
the sensitive part covered so I guess I need to
start acting a little bit stronger."
   I thought that maybe this came down to getting
my lazy ass to the gym and working out. You know,
to become "stronger".
   No, I'm serious.
   Well, here's the BIG REALIZATION that I had...
   I've now realized that I had it all wrong.
   Instead of thinking to myself that I was a
nice, sensitive guy that needed to become a little
stronger, what I really needed was to become a
strong guy who could also act sensitive on
   The difference seems almost like word-play, but
it's not. Not at all.
   You see, when a woman says that she wants a
"strong guy who's also sensitive", that's what she
   She wants a guy who's STRONG. The sensitive
part is far more "optional" than the STRONG part.
   This is why women often date jerks and guys who
are emotionally unavailable, and don't date us
"nice guys" who would do anything for them.
   Women do not sit down and make a list of the
qualities that a particular guy has, then think it
over it for a few days, then DECIDE whether or not
   NO WAY.
   It happens in an INSTANT, and it happens for
all kinds of "illogical" reasons... reasons that
even the woman who is feeling it can't usually
   So what's the answer here?

   The answer here is to realize that many of the
things you do when you're around women that you
feel attracted to, are considered ANNOYING by
those women.
   You must understand that you sometimes have to
do things that SEEM to be "inconsiderate" in order
to give a woman what she REALLY wants (which is a
man who is in control of himself, the situation,
and often her).
   Raise your right hand, and repeat after me...
   "I will stop being a Wussy around women."
   "I will stop being a Wussy around women."
   "I will stop being a Wussy around women."
   Stop doing things that say "I'm a Wussy",
because those are the very things that women find
   And START doing the things that you're learning
   Lean back. Act Cocky & Funny around women. Bust
on them and give them a hard time. And LEAD the
way, don't follow.
   Now, one of the problems that a lot of guys run
into is "putting together" different personality
traits that don't seem to go together.
   Women say that they want guys who are funny...
but also strong.
   Many of the things women SAY they want seem
like they CONFLICT with each other.
   What's a guy to do?
   Well, THE FIRST thing a guy should do is learn
what WORKS.
   Not what SOUNDS like it might work.
   Not what SHOULD work.
   And not what is SUPPOSED to work.
   I personally spent several years trying to
figure out what "works". Why did it take me so
   Because, as it turns out, I started out with a
HUGE disadvantage.
   And I'm not talking about a disadvantage like a
big nose (which I have).
   I'm talking about a disadvantage like BAD
   I had a "map" in my mind... of how I thought I
should behave around women... and it turned out to
   The most frustrating part was that when I did
the things that SHOULD work, they made women UN-
   It was as if the world wasn't working right.
   I would be sweet and nice, and a woman would
not want to talk to me.
   I would call often and share my feelings with
her, and she would fall for the rude jerk who
could care less about treating her well.
   Well, as you might already know, sometimes I'm
a "glutton for punishment".
   Translation: I stuck with it anyway. I kept
trying to figure out what works... even though the
things I was doing WEREN'T working.
   The magic "breakthrough" came ONLY after I
started making friends with and watching guys who
were VERY successful with women... then putting
what I knew about psychology and behavior together
with the NEW stuff I was learning "in the field".
   What I discovered was literally SHOCKING to me.
   I can remember slapping myself on the forehead,
shaking my noggin, and laughing to myself... as I
watched some of my new friends who were good with
women... doing things that just plain SHOULDN'T
work... but that DID work.
   Here's one of the lessons I learned:
   Body Language is more important than WORD
   In fact, you can have the smoothest "pick up
" in the world... but if you don't understand
Body Language, the woman you're talking to CAN'T
feel ATTRACTION for you.
   Here's another one:
   Doing "nice" things for a woman doesn't make
her any more likely to feel ATTRACTION for you. In
fact, most of these things BACKFIRE... and wind up
pushing her AWAY.
   Here's a third lesson I learned:
   Even though "jerks" and "bad boys" don't treat
women well, it doesn't mean that women don't feel
ATTRACTION for them.
   In fact, women often report feeling INCREDIBLY
attracted to these kinds of men... so powerfully,
in fact, that they can't CONTROL these feelings...
   As I was learning these interesting and
"counter intuitive" lessons, I also began
documenting the specific things that the guys who
were "naturals" with women did... in order to
attract women.
   One of my BIGGEST realizations was that
literally ANY guy can attract women... if he just
understands how ATTRACTION works.
   And any guy can use the secrets that "jerks"
and "bad boys" have discovered and used... WITHOUT
being abusive or mean.
   In fact, if you LEAVE OUT the meanness or
abuse, a woman will be FAR more likely to STAY
   Recently, I've released two educational
programs that teach two very important aspects of
how to attract women.
   The first one is called "Body Language For
Success With Women And Dating". In this program, I
will show you how to transform yourself from a
"nice, sweet, annoying WUSSY" into a guy who women
feel ATTRACTION for... by transforming your BODY
   Like I said, if you don't know how to use BODY
LANGUAGE to communicate with and attract women,
then the WORDS you say DON'T MATTER.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"How To Meet Younger Women And Keep Them Coming Back For More"

Ah yes, what can I say about younger women…
You don't have to be “over the hill” to see the appeal of dating them. It's just a fact: younger women have a certain something that goes far beyond just “physical beauty”
They just have a different VIBE.
I recently read somewhere that women are universally attracted to men who are older than them… and that the “average” relationship involves a man who is four years older than the woman.
Interesting stuff, and here's why I think it is…
Most younger women feel that most guys their own age just don't “get it”
They're tired of hearing about dumb “guy stuff” all the time. They want a man who comes across as in control of himself and his environment.… one who appears to be aware of how to treat a woman and how to make her feel good… one who knows how to take his time… if you know what I mean.
Now this may not be scientific, but judging by what I've found actually WORKS when you want to meet younger women, here are a few specific ideas. Above all…

When older guys are around younger women that they feel attracted to, a lot of the time they immediately begin to act WEIRD. They stop acting like “themselves”
Of course, these women don't know what you're like “normally”, but this is for sure… They can tell INSTANTLY if you're not acting like yourself.
Because men do all kinds of subtle and not-so- subtle little things when they're feeling nervous… and these things work fast to scare off women.
And younger women are even more likely to be driven away by “weirdness”. They're much more into how things “appear” to others… their friends, family, etc.
But here's the other side of the coin, and it's the one I want YOU to take advantage of…
One of the things that makes you attractive as an older man is what you bring from experience. The stability. The confidence. Control.
So BRING IT. All of it.
Younger women are also EXTREMELY attracted to men who seem totally “in control.” So make sure that YOU come across as that kind of cool, confident guy.
In other words, don't turn into a total Wussbag just because you know a younger woman might be interested in you. Instead…

I have to say, this is one of my all-time personal favorite techniques.
When you meet younger women, tease them. Make fun. Call them on everything they say or do that's “immature”. In other words, take advantage of every opportunity to be Cocky & Funny to keep things interesting and challenging.
And hey… don't worry about it when she plays “fake mad”.
Just turn it up some more.
Because it reinforces that you're an experienced man who's in control. That you have the power. Oh… and it's COMPLETELY different than the way a hundred other Wussies her own age treat her… which is GUARANTEED to spark attraction for YOU.
And, of course, that's what everything I teach is really all about.
Finally, once you've created that …spark,” it's time to amp it up and keep it going. Once you can do that, you can meet younger women any time, anywhere, and get dates with them. I guarantee it.
That in mind… once you see the spark, it's time to:

By definition, younger women have less experience in life, so trying to get them to lead and tell you what they want you to do is just a horrible idea.
Don't do it.
You lead. You decide where you're going. You make the rules.
Now, I'm not saying you should take advantage of the situation. Most attractive young women have had at LEAST one “icky older guy” that “tried something” with her. So don't be rude or interfere with her life.
Instead, amplify ATTRACTION by creating an environment for her that's totally different from one she can get anywhere else.
Bottom line: become the kind of confident, in-control man that younger women crave in their lives, and youll hold the key to what it takes to meet younger women and get dates with them…
In fact, you'll have them chasing YOU (and coming back for more) because you've shown that you understand how to create ATTRACTION.
And that's the whole ballgame.
On the flip side, if you don't understand ATTRACTION, then none of what I just taught you will make a damn bit of difference. You can just keep dreaming about getting hot women..

Monday, September 6, 2010


"One word frees us all the weight and pain in life.That word is love."

"I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you..."

"You are the sunshine of my life!Thanks for brightening my world with the warmth of your Love..."

"You are the fire that burns the passion within my soul."

"My favorite place to be is inside of your hugs where it's warm and loving.I Love You."

"Having you in my life...Makes everything so special & beautiful..I Love you."

"Forever is not a word...rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there."

"True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love doesn't end."

"I never knew what love was until i met you,then when distance pulled us apart,I found out what true love is."


              Forever I will love you,
          in my heart you always will be.
           forever I will keep the memories
           of when you were here with me.

           forever I will miss your smile,
          and the way you kissed my lips.

          forever I will remember the soft touch
           of your hands resting on my hips.

           forever I will grieve for you,
          with you a piece of me died.

         forever i'll regret never getting a chance
         to kiss you farewell and say goodbye.
            in the past few years
         I've shed so many tears

           never will forget you
            forever I will love you.


   I hear YOUR words pass my lips,
YOUR phrases that have become mine,
     A part of you has become me,
Because of the thoughts of you in my mind.

       A smile plays upon my face,
When I hear the words that I say'
   It's like having a part of you,
with me every minute of every day.


  Just 9 months ago our lives were not the same,
But one date and a kiss on the cheek lit our flame.
       Once only friends,we showed no care,
We were looking for someone,who was always there.

    If i could i'd whisk you away to a far off land,
We'd go to the beach and make love in the warmth of the sand.
    If i could I'd give you the heavens above'
 We would shine the light of the world with our love.

 As the days go by,I am only complete with your kiss,
Should we part,the beauty you give my world I would miss
   So light up my life with your smile and laugh,
     Tell me this is real and it will forever last.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Baby girl just look at me
And then you'll see
How much you mean to me
I want only you BooBee...

I dream that i could hold you now
I would do anything but dunno how
I hope that you'll be mine again
Cuz i wanna erase forever that pain.

Its too bad that you cant see
In spite of everything i tell you
How i need you next to me
And how much i love you.